Who Is the Best Piles Specialist Doctor in Faridabad

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Haemorrhoids are masses in and around yourlower body known as "piles" (anus). In Piles, the rectum and anus
veins are swollen and irritated, resulting in pain and bleeding. Obesity,
pregnancy, or straining during bowel motions are the usual causes of haemorrhoids.
A typical sign is a discomfort, especially while sitting or having bowel
motions. Other signs include bleeding and itching. Both a high-fibre diet and
stool softeners can be helpful. In other circumstances, relief may need a
surgical operation to remove a haemorrhoid. In this article, we will let you
know everything about piles and also how to find the best piles doctor in Faridabad. 

Pile-related symptoms include: 

After using the restroom, you have thefollowing symptoms: bright red blood, an itchy anus, feeling as though you
still need to poop, mucus in your underwear or on the toilet paper after wiping
your bottom, lumps around your anus, and discomfort around your anus. Keep
reading to get the best piles treatment in Faridabad.

The main causes of piles include: 

A persistent cough, sneezing, vomiting, prolongedsquatting while defecating and anal intercourse are the common causes of piles.
Having firm or watery bowel motions (stools).

Fibre-poor diet

Liver conditions that raise the blood pressure in theveins supplying the anus and rectum (portal hypertension), Ascites
(accumulation of fluid in the abdomen)

Constant diarrhoea

Physical effort required to lift large goods

Colon cancer

Excessive weight gain

How To Find The Best Diagnostic Centre AndThe Best Pile Doctor Near Me? 

The anal area is checked for anyprotruding piles through the anal orifice during the physical examination. The
rectus is also examined. The patient is made to lie on his left side with his
knees curled up against his chest for the inspection of the rectum. The doctor
checks the walls of the anus and rectum for swellings and other anomalies by
inserting a gloved finger through the anal entrance. Typically, a visual
examination of the anal area and a digital rectal examination can also identify
piles. In addition to asking about the patient's symptoms and medical history,
doctors also perform a physical exam to determine the patient's condition.

To better view the rectum and anus andrule out conditions other than piles as the source of rectal bleeding, an anoscopy or proctosigmoidoscopy is performed. In this technique, the surgeon
passes a tube through the anus into the rectum to visually examine the area.
Additionally performed blood tests are those for haemoglobin, complete blood
counts, blood coagulation studies, and liver function. The patient has a barium
enema (injection of a radio contrast fluid, barium sulphate, into the rectum
from the anus), after which a barium X-ray is performed to see the whole colon.

Who Is The Most Popular Piles Specialist Doctor in Faridabad? 

Dr Pankaj Kumar Hans, who is renowned forhis knowledge and experience with the most recent technological advancements
and effective instruments to offer the most efficient surgical results, is
the best piles surgeon in Faridabad because he upholds the beliefthat "Compassion to Care, and Passion to Excel." The doctor's advice
is supported by up-to-date, trustworthy research and solid clinical expertise.
With a mission to foster compassion and good health, the company is dedicated
to providing patients with cutting-edge surgical treatments.